Let Water Go Where It Wants to Go September 28, 2021 Basements and Cellars Coast Erosion Floods Global Warming IFTTT Hurricane Ida (2021) Hurricane Sandy (2012) NYT NYTimes Opinion Wetlands +
The Hurricanes Are Winning September 02, 2021 Beaches Coast Erosion Coastal Areas Hurricane Ida (2021) Hurricanes and Tropical Storms Infrastructure (Public Works) IFTTT NYT NYTimes Opinion Wetlands +
‘A Country That Values Guns More Than Children’ March 28, 2021 Coast Erosion Mass Shootings NYT NYTimes Opinion Organized Labor IFTTT +
After Fire and Floods, Glimmers of Hope September 19, 2020 Building (Construction) Coast Erosion Disasters and Emergencies Forests and Forestry Global Warming NYT NYTimes Opinion Politics and Government Polls and Public Opinion IFTTT Wildfires +