
How 9/11 Turned America Into a Half-Crazed, Fading Power

‘I Fear for My Country Today’: Veterans Reflect on Sept. 11

9/11 Reflections: We’d Like to Hear From You

How Parler Reveals the Alarming Trajectory of Political Violence

Guantánamo Forever

France’s Challenge in Africa

The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani

Veterans: Pull the Troops Out of Afghanistan Now

How to Really Make the Death of ISIS’s Leader Bigger Than Bin Laden’s

India Tempts Fate in Kashmir, ‘The Most Dangerous Place in the World’

Where the Dead Still Cry for Justice

Imran Khan’s ‘New Pakistan’ Is as Good as the Old

Coming to Terms With Saudi Arabia

Care About Gaza? Blame Hamas

The Irish Border Is a Scar

The 9/11 Tapes

In Pakistan, a Pashtun Cry for Equality and Justice

Why a Deal With the Taliban Will Prevent Attacks on America

An 18-Month-Old Victim in a Very Old Fight

Bangladesh’s Choice: Authoritarianism or Extremism