We Need More Enemies of the People September 21, 2018 Newspapers NYT Opinion Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +
Would My Family Pass an ‘Australian Values Test’? August 15, 2018 Immigration and Emigration NYT Opinion Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +
The Quiet Death of Racial Progress July 12, 2018 Blacks NYT Opinion Race and Ethnicity Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +
How to Foster Racial Integration May 30, 2018 NYT Opinion Race and Ethnicity Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +
How the Swastika Became a Confederate Flag May 22, 2017 Holocaust and the Nazi Era NYT Opinion Race and Ethnicity Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +
Confronting Segregation in New York City Schools May 15, 2017 Blacks Education (K-12) NYT Opinion Race and Ethnicity Segregation and Desegregation IFTTT +