I Still Believe in Effective Altruism, Emphasis on ‘Effective’ December 04, 2022 Artificial Intelligence Children and Childhood Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Malaria NYT NYTimes Philanthropy Third World and Developing Countries +
The World Needs More Than Crumbs From the G7’s Table July 04, 2022 Credit and Debt Food Insecurity Foreign Aid Humanitarian Aid IFTTT International Trade and World Market NYT NYTimes Opinion Poverty Third World and Developing Countries +
Uganda Flattened the Curve. Now We’re Running Out of Time. July 09, 2021 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) NYT NYTimes Opinion Shortages IFTTT Third World and Developing Countries Vaccination and Immunization +
We’re Asking Rich Countries to Keep Their Vaccine Promises April 22, 2021 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Medicine and Health IFTTT NYT NYTimes Opinion Third World and Developing Countries Vaccination and Immunization +
Vaccination Challenges, in the U.S. and Abroad December 30, 2020 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Dexamethasone (Drug) NYT NYTimes Opinion Poliomyelitis Remdesivir (Drug) IFTTT Third World and Developing Countries Vaccination and Immunization +
Gap Year? Do It Here May 07, 2020 Colleges and Universities Education (K-12) Education (Secondary) NYT NYTimes Opinion Rural Areas IFTTT Third World and Developing Countries Volunteers and Community Service Youth +
In a Remote Village, Witnessing Miracles July 06, 2017 NYT Opinion Poverty IFTTT Third World and Developing Countries +
Breastfeeding Could Save 800,000 Children a Year June 28, 2017 Babies and Infants Baby Foods Breastfeeding Infant Formulas Malnutrition NYT Opinion Third World and Developing Countries Women and Girls IFTTT +