The Pentagon’s Indifference to Gun Safety November 29, 2017 Defense and Military Forces IFTTT Gun Control NYT Opinion Shooting (2017) Sutherland Springs Tex +
Why Christians Must Support Gun Control November 11, 2017 Christians and Christianity IFTTT Gun Control NYT Opinion Shooting (2017) Sutherland Springs Tex +
Guns and the ‘Price We Pay for Freedom’ November 08, 2017 2017) IFTTT Conn Firearms Las Vegas Nev Newtown NYT Opinion Shooting (2012) Shooting (2017) Shooting (October Sutherland Springs Tex +
The Ease of Buying Guns in America November 07, 2017 Firearms IFTTT Gun Control NYT Opinion Shooting (2017) Sutherland Springs Tex +
How to Reduce Shootings November 06, 2017 2017) Gun Control Las Vegas Law and Legislation IFTTT Nev NYT Opinion Shooting (2017) Shooting (October Sutherland Springs Tex +
The Congress Members Receiving the Most N.R.A. Funding November 06, 2017 2017) IFTTT Gun Control Las Vegas Nev NYT Opinion School Shootings and Armed Attacks Shooting (2017) Shooting (October Sutherland Springs Tex +