
Mission: Hebron

Israel Moves to Silence the Stalwarts of Palestinian Civil Society

If the Left Got Its Wish for Israel

Bernie Sanders: The U.S. Must Support an Evenhanded Approach in the Middle East

The Oslo Accords’ Last Remnants Are Under Fire. Don’t Let Them Die.

Democracy, Israeli Style

Natural Born Settlers

Time to Break the Silence on Palestine

Can Trump Bring Peace to the Middle East?

Trump and the Art of the Giveaway

How the 1967 War Came Home to Me

Why the Palestinian Authority Should Be Shuttered

Why the Palestinian Authority Should Be Shuttered

A First Step to Peace: Calm Angers, Then Talk

A B.D.S. Founder, on Israel’s Anti-Boycott Law

Israel Says Dissenters Are Unwelcome

The One-State Two-State Blues

A Settler’s View of Israel’s Future

A New Beginning for Israel and the United States