Why So Many People Are Resisting Vaccination May 18, 2021 Baby Boomers IFTTT Children and Childhood Conspiracy Theories Epidemics Infant Mortality NYT NYTimes Opinion Vaccination and Immunization +
Letting American Kids Die February 17, 2018 Children and Childhood Conn Infant Mortality Newtown NYT Opinion Shooting (2012) IFTTT +
American Disdain for Children’s Lives February 15, 2018 Attempted Murders and Homicides Gun Control IFTTT Infant Mortality Murders NYT Opinion Traffic Accidents and Safety +
Coping With the Loss of a Newborn Child January 01, 2018 Grief (Emotion) IFTTT Infant Mortality NYT Opinion +
Tie Congress’s Paychecks to Our Good Health June 29, 2017 Health Insurance and Managed Care Infant Mortality NYT Opinion United States Politics and Government IFTTT +