My Years on Wall Street Showed Me Why You Can’t Make a Deal on Zoom August 16, 2021 Acquisitions and Divestitures Banking and Financial Institutions Coronavirus Reopenings IFTTT Financial Brokers Mergers NYT NYTimes Opinion +
The Trouble With GameStop Is That the House Still Wins February 01, 2021 Banking and Financial Institutions Financial Brokers NYT NYTimes Opinion United States Economy IFTTT +
Consider Firing Your Male Broker January 14, 2019 #MeToo Movement Financial Brokers Gender IFTTT NYT Opinion Stocks and Bonds Testosterone Women and Girls +
Wall Street Profits by Putting Investors in the Slow Lane July 18, 2017 Bribery and Kickbacks IFTTT Financial Brokers NYT Opinion Standard & Poor's 500-Stock Index +