
Choosing My Religion (or Not)

Misogyny and Antisemitism Are a Toxic Brew

Keeping a Light on After Loss

A Special Anguish Among Palestinian Citizens of Israel

Two Lessons From an Ancient Text That Changed My Life

Antisemitism: A Guide for the Perplexed

The Hate That Doesn’t Know Its Own Name

Meet the Champions of Nuance and Empathy We Need

Pick a Side. Pick a Side. Pick a Side. Now.

The Massacre in Israel and the Need for a Decent Left

Forests: Friend, Not Foe, in Climate Change

Yiddish Is Having a Moment

Potato Latke Cocktail, Anyone?

My First Yom Kippur in Exile

Whoopi Goldberg Apologized: Punishing Her Further Is Un-Jewish

The Bat Mitzvah Question I Wasn’t Expecting: ‘Are We Safe at Synagogue?’

The National Debate Over Abortion Laws

Not All Religious People Oppose Abortion

What Jefferson’s Statue Meant to the Jewish Naval Hero Who Donated It

What Happens When the Last Jew Leaves Afghanistan