The Supply-Chain Crisis Is a Labor Crisis November 17, 2021 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) International Trade and World Market Labor and Jobs NYT NYTimes Opinion Ships and Shipping Vaccination and Immunization IFTTT +
3,000 Miles From Glasgow, a Town and Its Polar Bears Face the Future November 04, 2021 Economic Conditions and Trends Global Warming NYT NYTimes Opinion Polar Bears Ports IFTTT Ships and Shipping +
How the U.S. Dictates What Puerto Rico Eats October 01, 2021 Agriculture and Farming Economic Conditions and Trends Local Food Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (Jones Act) IFTTT NYT NYTimes Opinion Ships and Shipping United States Politics and Government +
Ron DeSantis Does Disease April 28, 2021 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Cruises NYT NYTimes Opinion Regulation and Deregulation of Industry Ships and Shipping United States Politics and Government IFTTT +
The Freeing of the Ever Given April 01, 2021 Canals IFTTT International Trade and World Market NYT NYTimes Opinion Ships and Shipping +
The Stuck Container Ship on the Suez Canal Was a Metaphor March 31, 2021 Economic Conditions and Trends IFTTT International Trade and World Market NYT NYTimes Opinion Ships and Shipping +
Are Oman Tanker Attacks Another Gulf of Tonkin? June 14, 2019 NYT Opinion Ships and Shipping Social Media IFTTT +
Seafarers November 07, 2017 Immigration and Emigration International Trade and World Market NYT Opinion Ships and Shipping Visas IFTTT +
Shore Leave, Sort Of November 07, 2017 Immigration and Emigration International Trade and World Market NYT Opinion Ships and Shipping Visas IFTTT +