
Think About the Beautiful Future Ahead

The Politics of a Sleeveless Silhouette

Jon Gruden’s Emails Shocked Me. They Shouldn’t Have.

Gender-Neutral Pronouns: The Singular ‘They’ and Alternatives

A Plea to My Fellow Bisexuals: Please Come Out

On Pride and the Song of the Cicadas

Pope Francis Faces Another German Reformation

Banning My Book Won’t Protect Your Child

What Republicans Could Learn From My Grandmother

Roberts to Trump: Don’t Take the Supreme Court for Granted

In Netflix’s ‘Hollywood,’ One Movie Fixes Racism

Mayor Pete Flew Sky High

What if the Supreme Court Had an L.G.B.T. Justice?

Pope Francis Is Fearless

Judy Garland Is Back! (For Some of Us, She Never Went Away.)

As Catholic Church Leaders Convene to Face a Crisis

Would We Rather Have Pence Than Trump?

Why We Need to Forgive Kevin Hart

Being Trans Is Not a Mental Disorder

A Win for L.G.B.T. Rights in India